Whistleblowing channel
BankID BankAxept whistleblowing channel.
Welcome to our external whistleblowing channel. The whistleblowing channel is a secure way to report censurable conditions at or towards BankID BankAxept.
We believe that openness and good communication throughout the organization promotes a better work culture. We encourage employees to share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints internally with those who can address the issue or whose authority can affect change.
What is the whistleblowing channel?
We encourage everyone to use the whistleblowing channel. This may for instance be matters relating to:
• Corruption and financial irregularities such as theft and embezzlement
• Danger to life and health
• Danger to climate or the environment
• Irresponsible working environment
• Ethically unacceptable behaviour
• Inappropriate gifts or bonuses
• Subcontractors that violate laws and regulations
• Violation of financial laws and regulations
What should not go in the whistleblowing channel?
If you have other types of inquiries or complaints, please use the following channels:
• For inquiries to our merchant customer center – kundesenter@bidbax.no
• For Data Subject Access Requests pursuant to the Personal Data Act / GDPR or other information requests concerning privacy we ask you to reach out to personvern@bidbax.no
• Requests for Information pursuant to the Transparency Act
Can I be anonymous?
You may choose to report anonymously, or by allowing BDO to process your personal information but not to share it further. You may also notify by filling out your full name, email address, and phone number.
In order to ensure the right to contradiction, the person who has been notified against must be informed of the content of the notification and given the opportunity to express their opinion. If it is deemed necessary to clarify the facts, it will nevertheless be possible to carry out simple preliminary investigations before informing the person who has been notified against. If these investigations prove that there is a censurable condition, the case can be closed without informing the person being notified against.
How do we handle whistleblowing reports?
It is important to us that the whistleblowing procedure feels safe, sufficiently predictable, and respectful for all those who raise a concern. The following are to be observed in the handling of all whistleblower reports:
• All reports will be taken seriously
• All reports will be sufficiently investigated within a reasonable timeframe and in a fair, open-minded, and objective manner
• All reports will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and following the prevailing best practices for information security
• Any person accused in a whistleblower report has the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against them and to be heard (contradiction)
How do I report?
When you notify via the form, you notify via an encrypted web solution. When you submit a notification via the web form, the notification is categorised and processed by our external whistleblowing centre, as operated by BDO AS, before it is sent to BankID BankAxept Risk & Compliance for further processing.
As a whistleblower, you do not need to present evidence of what you think is reprehensible. However, we ask you to be as clear as possible about what has actually happened.
What happens after I report?
After the report is received by the external reporting channel, the report is categorized and assessed. If possible, the reporter will receive feedback from the external reporting channel once the report is received. The report is then forwarded to Risk Management & Compliance at BankID BankAxept.
Risk Management & Compliance at BankID BankAxept handles the report and decides on the further process. The follow-up on the report depends on the nature of the report. If possible, the reporter will receive information when the case has been concluded.